
Firm of lawyers specializing in the legal field, whether private, public, administrative.

Firm created in 1986, we are one of the main firm of attorneys in Lausanne’s area.

Our firm, consisting of three independent attorneys Alain Dubuis, Ismael Fetahi & Mathilde Bessonnet has constantly grown thanks to excellence in the respective areas, in the strict respect of the attorneys’ business ethics.

The expertise of our partners covers most of the areas of law, may it be private, public, administrative or international, with language skills in French, English, German.

Our firm has among his clientele big companies as well as small and medium sized companies, public institutions and private persons.

The firm company their clients in the development of their business as well as advising them in legal procedures and/or arbitration.

Our firm is a human-sized company. We privilege the personnal relationship with our clients and their partners.


Me Alain Dubuis - avocat Pully/Lausanne Vaud

Me Alain Dubuis

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Me Ismael Fetahi - avocat Pully/Lausanne Vaud

Me Ismael Fetahi

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Me Mathilde Bessonnet avocate - Lausanne Vaud

Me Mathilde Bessonnet

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